Saturday, 27 October 2012

Wilstone Slavonian Grebe

Today as I woke up with the newly fallen snow whitening the ground I decided to go and look for the Slavonian Grebe. When I eventually arrived at the reservoir were the Slav Grebe had been staying all I had to do was walk up the steps and there it was right in front of us we could see the Slavonian Grebe immediately with out  me binoculars. I started taking photos as soon as I could ignoring the sun which was shining straight towards me. After a while of taking pictures suddenly it wouldn't allow me to take any more pics so I had to delete some old ones which had luckily already been downloaded to the computer this took me a while and by the time I had  finished the grebe was on another part of the reservoir. After looking t it for a while I headed home.

Slavonian Grebe


  1. Once again, very jealous of another big rarity for Herts. Well done on some excellent shots, they're the best ones I've seen of the bird so far!!!

  2. thanks look forward to seeing you on friday.
